
The first three orders from AMM Syd

Occupational Medicine in Lund is an institution at Lund University and part of Region Skåne. It is a specialized unit in occupational and environmental medicine that conducts research, education, and clinical activities in the field of occupational health.

Occupational Medicine in Lund provides expertise and advice on work-related health issues and investigates the relationship between work environment factors and health. They also offer medical investigations, assessments, and advice to promote a safe and healthy work environment.

Wavr Tech AB has received an order from AMM Syd to develop a Web Portal to meet AMM Syd’s needs related to measurements of positions and movements in the wrists using the Zentnl system. The Web Portal is being developed for AMM Syd’s own operations as well as its rental business. Wavr will also provide training on the Web Portal for AMM Syd’s staff before its public launch.


In the image above: Zentnl sensors encapsulated in silicone with fasteners, as well as a picture of a prototype of the upcoming stylish and practical new model of Zentnl EasyGon.

Here’s what Henrik Enquist, Tekn.Dr. Civilingenjör, Arbets- & Miljömedicin Syd, says: “Zentnl has the potential to be the answer to our vision of revolutionizing ergonomic studies and regulatory compliance monitoring. With its state-of-the-art platform and advanced features, we are confident that this technology will enable us to gain unparalleled insights that will benefit individuals and society as a whole.”